Golf Clubs

  • Artikelnummer: GolfClub
  • Versandgewicht: 1 kg
  • 997 Stück auf Lager

 Frage zum Artikel 

ab 15,90 €
inkl. 10% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

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Products Price is set to 0 and Products Weight is set to 1

This is marked Price by Attribute

This is priced by attribute at 14.45 per club with an added weight of 1 on the attributes.

This will make the shipping weight 1lb for the product plus 1lb for each attribute (club) added.

The attributes are sorted so the clubs read in order on the Product Info, Shopping Cart, Order, Email and Account History.

Dieser Artikel wurde am Montag 05 Februar, 2024 im Shop aufgenommen.


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