Free Shipping Product without Weight

  • Artikelnummer: FreeShippingNoWeight
  • 995 Stück auf Lager

 Frage zum Artikel 

27,50 €
inkl. 10% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

In den Warenkorb:
This product has Free Shipping.

The weight is set to 0

It has the Always Free Shipping set to NO and the Free Shipping Module is installed but it will still ship for Free.

In the Configruation settings for Shipping/Packaging ... Order Free Shipping 0 Weight Status has been defined to be Free Shipping.

NOTE: if that setting is changed, then this product will NOT ship for free, even though the weight is set to 0.

Dieser Artikel wurde am Sonntag 18 Juni, 2023 im Shop aufgenommen.


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